
Fat Transfer

A fat transfer procedure transfers the fat you have in your body from zones in which you have too much fat, like your stomach, and puts it in zones that are lacking in volume, like your buttocks or breasts. This is a safe, well-tolerated and long-lasting procedure that gives people a nice and natural looking…
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نقل او حقن الدهون

إجراء نقل او حقن الدهون هو تحويل الدهون المتواجدة في جسمك من المناطق حيث تتواجد بكثرة، مثل البطن، إلى مناطق تعاني من نقص في الحجم، مثل الأرداف أو الثديين. شفط الدهون هو إجراء آمن، جيد التحمل وطويل الأمد كما يعطي الناس جسما أو وجها يبدوان طبيعيين. 1- متى يجب أن ألجأ إلى نقل الدهون؟ قد…
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Lipo-sculpturing is it the Right Choice for You?

Old-school liposuction proved problematic for many patients in the past, but fortunately, modern times offer better choices. Thanks to today's technology, a supple, sculpted body is within the reach of almost everyone who desires a more attractive form -- an increasing number of results-oriented women and men are choosing to undergo this procedure because it…
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7 Tips to Love the Results of Your Lipo

When you choose to have liposuction, you are making an investment in an aesthetically better you. You want to get the most out of the procedure whether you are getting Vaser Hi Def Liposuction, Tumescent or another form of liposuction. What you do before and after the procedure matters if you want to love your…
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